Press Release(12-1-2023)
Myanmar Position on the Annual Press Statement of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Indonesia, 11 January 2023
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Myanmar observed that the Annual Press Statement of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Indonesia was held on 11 January 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Ministry learnt that matters relating to Myanmar were mentioned during the delivery of the press statement made by Retno Marsudi.
In this connection, the Ministry reiterated Myanmar’s position as follows;
(a) Myanmar will implement ASEAN’s five-point consensus in line with the fundamental principles of upholding its national interest, sovereignty and non-interference of the internal affairs of the member states.
(b) Myanmar will continue its efforts in implementation of the Five-Point Roadmap to restore the multiparty democratic system in line with the 2008 State Constitution as an independent and sovereign state.
(c) Myanmar again urged ASEAN as a rule-based organization, to follow the provisions of the ASEAN Charter and its fundamental principles and not to engage with any terrorist groups and unlawful associations which had been declared by the Government of Myanmar.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nay Pyi Taw
Date, 12 January 2023